Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 11:03 PM
suddenly just sick of everything around me... though it's not the worst that i can expect but it just makes me feel so sick of it.
cause of FYP meeting in the morning, I couldn't sleep well afraid that I'll over slept. =x
.. and in the end, i trusted the wrong person.. to think i thought he would do work and not slack, but now he gives so much excuses just to excuse himself from meeting. we were so understanding towards him, letting him leave early when he says he's not feeling well, and now he's overdoing it. zzz. first three meetings; sick leave early, last two meetings; didn't even make it for meeting due to some last min thingy.
i really do not know how to handle this situation. anyone any ideas?
didn't have the mood to go out as there were a lot of problems occurred for our project. don't know how i could solve it too.. gotta work harder! someone boost me with power!
May God empower me!
didn't really feel so down till i find out that he actually went out for dinner with his friends instead of his family.. planning for a movie with his friend the next day.. Zzzz. you may be thinking what's wrong with it?
maybe not for you but for me it's like he didn't even take the initiative to meet me even for a meal or a movie but there he is going to meet his friends doing all those things.. he said he dun like meeting everyday, ok then, and there he is meeting his friend everyday.
to me it's totally unfairness.
to him maybe it's normal. what's wrong with hanging out with friends everyday?
i'm totally speechless..
i really hope to leave all this mess that i've foolishly fall into. i want to start a new life without getting hurt by ppl.
God help me?
sometimes i just hope i doesn't exist.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @ 9:13 PM
had a great day today with my team mates. especially loads of laughter today. hehs. we had a great deal of funny jokes and actions, in addition the we got 'sunny' who further entertain us. lolx. stupid alvin for being mourning to become leader and khai for helping him when he's also one of us who voted alvin to become ldr.. zzzz. =p
however happy hours don't last long. spent hrs sitting at IT helpdesk fixing my com, finally they solved my run advertised program after 2 hrs. lucky they managed to fix it if not I will be like a fool sitting there getting nth done in the end. after which went to meet billy.
Supposingly planned to go gym with him today, but it still seems like he didnt want me to go. though i told him i will be going gym with him, he will push the topics away saying aren't u going home instead? zzz end up he jus take it that i'm not going with him.
dun understand why he have to meet that girl after sch everyday. seriously dun like her character. though she didn't do anything that harm me. but it's just that her actions and character just makes me dislike her unknowingly.. scold vulgar and seems rather materialistic plus she's not really friendly towards girls? every time i see her i will end up giving billy black face. she jus have the power to make me upset or piss off easily. =Z
sometimes i wonder have you ever truly love me? though u may claim that you love me but how true and deep is your love? how deep can your love be when you actually give up so easily in relationship? i really wonder? =X
@ 12:57 AM
life is so so so busy as usual. FYP, Lessons, Hanging out with friends, date with boyfriends etc. so packed till I can't even find slots to work now. totally broke! =X
lazed at billy's hse today as he didn't want to wake up for lesson. reason: very tired
kinda regret playing till so late last night. =z
till now i've skipped 3 lessons.. bad omen! i don't wanna continue this man.
studied for ut, in the end, cause billy dilly dally end up i reaching at at 4.15pm. (UT starts at 4.15pm sharp) what's worst is that I didn't know I have to download the new UT client. zzzz
took 15 mins to download and install it into my com. sob sob. end up i only have 10 mins to do my test. sure score beri badly. ppl write 10 lines ratio i only write 2 lines.
**W6 lvl 1 canteen is finally officially opened! =))**
meet billy and his friend after my UT. was feeling rather down since before that i met so many mishap. =( i didn't mean to show them my black face.. however i got really pissed off with one of the girl actions. it jus disgust me. =Z
went off to find cheng xun and alicia first.. chit chat. then unexpectedly cheng xun mentioned about treatin us bubble tea. seizing the opportunity we went to buy it asap before he changes his mind. lol. but after he bought it for us, he kinda regret it in a joking manner. =p
hitch a ride from billy's car.. actually i didnt want so, cause suddenly he need to fetch so many of his friend. moreover that girl that i dislike is there. but so as to give face to billy i just take the ride. =x
took mrt to cityhall.. brought cheng xun and alicia to Marina chapter 2 to cut their hair. =) the hair stylist is as cute as before. haha. got influenced by my sis.. she admire him too haha.
during haircut, cheng xun looked so serious.. till i thought he's not happy with the hair stylist. lol. as for alicia. she look so cute during the whole process.. Lol.
after haircut, they accompanied me home to pack my clothes cause me and alicia will be going CX's hse to study and stay over.
Had a sumptuous yummy dinner! hehs. after which i enjoyed and relax by watchin tv shows. haha i sure know how to enjoy life. =p
After Cheng xun hair cut. lolx.

Alicia new hair look! cute bah?! lolx

tired now.. it's already so late le. shall upload a few recents pictures that i took these days. =)
Joy & me. =D

oh ya. just yesterday i met a car accident. a minor one though. but it's really costly! need to compensate $1000++ which also includes repairing your own car which hit on others. lol. learnt to drive safely! if not there goes ur money. haha.
here's one picture of our car and the victim car.. our car looks more damaged compared to the victim's one. and he demand to change his bumper! ZzZz
Our Car..

Victim's Car..

Billy & Me. He's so idiot dun wanna look at the cam. =X