Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 7:01 PM
once again updates of recent pictures that i took.. =)
This cute little thing is created out of my boredom after having my dinner..

It's been a long time since i have taken a group picture with a team.. ^^ Rainbow Group!
Sunny, Windy, Rainy, Cloudy, Stormy... lol

Sentosa outing with my dearest friend.. =) 29th May 2008

always enjoyed your company.. hehs.
this cat suddenly pop up beside me while i was resting at the bball court.. =p

a cute pose that it posed for me.. lolx.. it seems to know i'm taking pic of it..
everything has ended.. to be continued? or the end? we shall see..
right now we're just friend..
hate living in confusion.. zzzz
Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 11:26 PM
had a tiring night skating ytd.. slept till really late that after all my preparation it was really late to go for church service. so in the end i didn't go. sorry joy.=x
managed to stay at home and accompany my parents to play mahjong. hehs.
sadly i lost to my dad! lolx.. he's the noob among us yet he won the most. lolx. pure luck? or beginner's luck? =D
in the night.. had dinner with billy, ah tan and ah seng @ Expo the food fair.
we bought lots of food.. it was much better than i thought. buying all the food that i like to eat.. and i manage to eat all of it though.. hehs. feeling so full now. the crabs that we bought was really cheap. it's like 3 for $10? lolx. and we were lucky to find a place to sit down and enjoy our dinner.. all thanks to carlsberg.. lolx. we have to buy a beer before we can actually use the space there.
this are the pictures that we took.. =)

i'm still feeling kinda confuse.. though i clearly know what you meant. but..
maybe it's because that fact is that i still have to let you go which i don't bear to.
i think so much of the negative sides that it jus scares me.. i know perhaps that's the best solution for u now..
just give me time to accept it..just give me time to let you go..
just ytd i was wondering did i fall in love with a guy i shouldn't have?
but today i felt maybe i was wrong to think of that.. cause maybe it's just that i fall in love with the guy at the wrong time?
but thinking again.. maybe it's all jus fated..
can't wait to see what will happen in the future..
@ 3:44 AM
had a tiring night skating at ECP with my sis and her friend. it was cooling.. yet really tiring..
had a great night chatting by the beach side..
at that point of time.. i wish you were there..
God pls be merciful to the world.. World peace..
God bless..
@ 3:37 AM
sometimes i just cant bear to let you go..
thinking of the great time we once had..
you accompanying me to church..
bringing me to places that i yearns to go..
taking good care of me etc..
i really miss those good days and just hope that we will be like the past once again..
i miss you so.
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 1:51 PM
hmm.. this is what i have to go through to become stronger? another failure in r/s that is?
it was yet another bad day for me.. feeling moody once again.. pms. =x feeling unwell..
i want to lead my life back.. butz.. i don't know where to start from.. i'm just getting more and more confuse.. hmm.. time will solve it for me i guess.. God bless..
P.S. seriously i know you are a great guy and can be a great guy.. jus that you choose to treat me badly these days? and it just makes me wonder why. you trying to treat me badly so that i'll leave you? yet you said you love me and i can vividly feel it. you just make me so confuse.
Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 12:55 PM
yesterday was a mahjong day i guesS?
at first went to Alicia's hse to play.. and i thank God i only lose $2.. lolx
after which.. as it's cheng xun's mum birthday ytd, we then went to cheng xun's hse to accompany his mum play mahjong.. as usual i don't know why i jus don't like playing with him. =x ZzZz.. it's like he's always against me especially? maybe i'm jus thinking too much..
yea i'm so piss of right now. i don't know why all of the sudden you start shooting me of all the bad points about me while i'm playing mj.. u said you are telling me all this because of my good.. wanting me to change for the better.. to me i feel that u're just bullshitting cause the way you said it totally sucks.. the way you want someone to listen to you and accept the bad points is totally wrong.. cause you didn't first stand in their shoes to understand why they did that even though their actions may be wrong. if you were to at least stand in my shoes and then say me at least i would be more than willing to listen.. ZzZz.. asdfjnasjfnkjasnfjaasfj
last but no least no one is perfect.. you too..
so much to say but i couldn't say out.. cause you never tries to understand me.. no matter what i say i'm always wrong and you're always right. i can seriously feel you dun understand who i really am.. or maybe you are always trying to correct me this and that and never praise me of my good before..?
i'm feeling so exhausted.. feeling so down.. it's like everything is going against me..
bad time i guess...
maybe we really aren't meant to be..
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 12:40 AM
it was definitely a exhausted day for me.. it had been a long time since i feel so much stress doing work. =x
skipped lesson half way through and went to meet shiqi for FYP.. do do do.. till Rina and Kevin came.. and even after they left both of us still doing.. till nearly 9pm. =x
Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 3:41 PM
hehs. somehow it feels like everything finally "yu guo tian qian"; everything back to normal or rather the bad events is finally over and done with.
enjoying my life now. =)
ytd had a outing with my bestie; manyun..
we went shopping at vivo, walked rounds and rounds.. i could say it's been a long long time since i went shopping cause i don't really like to shop when i don't have much cash on hand.
however, since my bestie requested i guess i will just have to go along with it. =p i even end up getting a gift from her; she bought me a top. hehs. thanks girl. loves.
after which, we went to catch the movie called "Nim's Island". it was pretty nice and especially adventurous. i would rate it 4 stars?
in the night, played mahjong at home with keith, faith and her friend, and poor keith and my sis's friend.. they keep on losing for the first few rounds. lolx. =p keith lose the most though.
more programs? we watched midnight movie in my room. haha. last man standing would be me and keith. and surprisingly keith decided to stay at my hse. in the past, many times i asked him to stay he always never fail to refuse and be the first to go home.
another good things that happened to me recently would be my elder sis bought me a o.d.m watch! weee.. i totally loves it! haha. that's really so cool. thanks hilary! ^^
currently everything seems to be going on well.. hope it prolongs. <3
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 10:46 AM
it was a rainy day for me ytd.
i was sad because i'm not the one you truely love..i was sad because i'm not the one for you.. i was sad because i feel unwanted..
i'm thankful for the chance you gave.
God show me the way.. what should i do?
thanks jody for being there for me. i really don't know what to do if you're not there for me. i really felt so much better with you around. =) thanks for all the encouragement. loves.
i jus don't understand why am i so soft hearted..
it makes me feel so silly at times.
tears rolled down uncontrollably the moment you said you said don't bother me.
my heart hurts that badly that i feel like i'm suffocating inside.. i thought i was going to die.
sometimes i just hope you will accept and love me for who i am.
Friday, May 9, 2008 @ 11:53 PM
it was a so so day for me. woke up early unexpectedly. somehow. =x the day before i fall asleep really early.. managed to sleep for 9 -10 hrs before i wake up. even so i still feel tired.
finally i was early to class.. and finally i was able to get a good location to settle down in class. hehs. however today lesson is really really boring.. bored to the extend it just makes everyone really sleepy and some even fall asleep. stupid vic keep on tryin to make me slp.. duno wanna sabo me or what? lolx.
fyp as usual me and shiqi last girls standing. lolx. Rina got to go off as she had a wedding to attend. and kevin unexpectedly didn't even call or pick up my call.. last min telling me he can't make it as he had to attend his friend birthday party. that was so last min? before his ut i even remind him that we'll have a short meeting today yet he didn't even tried to come for it. filled with disappointment. i really trusted him so. yet he end up being so irresponsible. hope i was wrong abt him. =(
meet up with keith for dinner @ MOS..
afterwhich we meet cz and joy to play bball. the court was fully utilize. one side pro the other side got a team training bball. zzz.
we then suggested to go another bball at 'catholic high'.. prob is we dun have bball. so as to solve our prob, keith bought a converse bball and saved our day! lolx. thank God there's a space for us to play. we had fun though i gotten a lot of physical pain. legs filled with blisters. ZzZz. and i think i played kinda rough today. hehs. sorry guys.
today come upon this quote..
"Obstacles don't have to stop you.. when you run into a wall, dun just turn around and give up, think of ways to climb over it, or think of ideas to work it through" - Michael Jordansometimes i wonder.. is it that hard to find a guy to give me all the care and love he could?
living in deception.. one day i'll get out of it.. probably till the day when i found the one.
Monday, May 5, 2008 @ 2:52 PM
if(Less quarrel & less meeting == more loving){
System.out.println("Happily Ever After <3" };
else {
System.out.println(" THE END ");
again. i didn't manage to attend service on sun..
reason: billy got so many things to get done before he leaves his hse. End up meeting me late. ZzZ
as usual he still doesn't like to go FCBC. =X
played mj and lose $20++ to Alicia.. =(((
lesson is really boring today.. clueless to what i should do. simple yet complex..
Friday, May 2, 2008 @ 7:53 PM
it was a niightmare even before my day starts. i had a bad dream and guess it was a bad omen.
so true that bad things just starts rolling in early in the morning just when i reached sch.
i was running late for lessons, only left 30 mins to eat and gotta be back before i was late for my next meeting again. yet he still wants to go the furthest canteen from my block to eat just to meet his friends. while on our way to sch i even told him we're running late dun think can meet his friend for breakfast, he says ok. the next moment he denied saying it. ZzZz..
there goes my day having a tiff with my bf. =X we just ended up getting more and more angry with one another..
second break got a preach session from him. and i admit cause of him i ended up neglecting my family.. =(
the day didn't goes that bad though. actually didn't have the mood to attend lesson. but thinking again I felt that it's not worth so i changed my mind. glad that i go though. =)
FYP meeting was canceled.. three of them had sth on.. so yea it was being postponed in the end.