Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 3:10 PM
i did update my blog recently.. just that when i was about to publish my post my laptop hang. =X
i shut down my lappy.. and sadly it couldnt start up properly, so i have to keep on on-ing and off-ing till it was in total shut down mood that i couldnt even turn it on anymore.. =(
now it's under repair.. miss my lappy..
things aren't so bad that i think it was.. i guess..
surprisingly... both my sis are finally attached! lol. all the best to them!
today's lesson wasn't that bad. facil was especially lenient today. lol. we even got treats from him! hehs.
P.S. guess u are really a great friend to accompany me all the way to my sch.. haha. thanks! =)
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 6:25 PM
think i have the lazy attitude to blog everyday. lol. although i may want to blog my everyday life but i'm just too lazy or rather tired to do so. finally get my hands and brain to blog today. hehs.
was thinking about a lot of things lately which I find it rather redundant to be thinking about all those things only to make myself worried.
i still misses her.. and really wanted her to come back that much that i kept on dreaming that all this was just a dream. i didn't want to let her go.. i couldn't bear to. there was still so much to be done and said, but still she just left. sometimes i really blame myself for what happened.. if i had went with her all this wouldn't have happened and she would still be living happily with us though i know at times she's in pain cause of her illness but she's still leading a happy life with her. at times, i get envy when i see ppl still having their mother doting on them, and sadly tears just overwhelm my eyes. if i can make a wish, i would wish to have my mother back with us..
i guess it's really only when you lost the person whom you loved then will we cherish..
though you are not with us anymore, but one thing i'm sure of is you are always in my heart and mind.. =') God bless you, mummy.
at this stage of life, i'm really confuse what type of person am i.. good or bad? some said i have changed for the worst because i didnt make out time for him. but to me, maybe i'm wrong but it doesn't mean that i'm bad or changed for the worst.. i just didn't have time for him/her for now. and i really hope as a friend they would understand. i feel that understanding between friends are really impt to keep the bonding on forever... without understanding we'll have endless quarrells again and again which i really detest about. right now i guess i'm in the moulding stage in life.. funny to say i don't even know what type of person am i.. who i really am? hmm.. only God knows.
in r/s.. i guess it's really hard to find that someone whom you really get along well with and get all lovey dovey. as in soulmate couples.. knowing what the other party wants as well as what each of them are thinking abt.. nowadays guys aren't that proactive, and they are seriously dude in r/s always doesn't know what girls want etc.. while on the train back, my mind was thinking was it because the world was so badly corrupted that's why we couldn't find anymore good guys whom we find suitable with, as such we end up falling in love with guys whom we think are good yet doesnt suits us. hmm.. sophiscated isn't it. lol.
right now i feel my r/s is rather stable yet unstable at the same time. it's like a see-saw which is on the middle stage.. either go down or up.. the 1/2 1/2 percentage makes it so uncertain.
i feel that we don't really suit one another due to our character, somehow our character clashes.. hence it's up to us to compromise and have greater understanding towards one another..
but one thing i know is we both love each other.. just that at times our character just tends to get so stubborn that we jus end up being unhappy.
it's complicated.. it's blind..
school life was really boring.. really hope it end soons.. lol. and when it really end i think i will really miss it like crazy.. human are 'funny' huh? =P
Sunday, October 5, 2008 @ 1:47 AM
went out with Cheng Xun & Melissa @ Vivo.. and sadly i overslept end up we met later than expected. =x lucky cheng xun overslept too. had an enjoyable time shopping except that part whereby mel's face turn black jus because she didnt bought anything. ZzZz. she was expecting us to choose something nice for her to buy or so. but my taste and her taste is like totally different? so choosing something nice for her it's kinda tough for me. we tried but fail. was telling her to be more independent in terms of choosing clothes cause she keep on relying on her to choose for her. when ppl have expectations on others and the others didnt do what was expected the person will therefore get sad and disappointed.. i know that theory. but i jus feel that certain things she should be more independent such as simple stuff like choosing and buying clothes that she likes.
had dinner @ Boon Tong Kee at my hse there. had a tough time choosing where to eat too.. so yea thank God i managed to have a great dinner.
afterwhich they came to my hse to for mj section. lol. me, my dad, cheng xun and mel. and winner was my dad and mel. sob sob.
Melissa, Cheng Xun & Me.. =)

Me & Mel.. ^^

Mel & Cheng Xun.. =D

My didi & Me. =P

That's All Folks... hehs.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 @ 11:42 PM
i'm sorry keith. hais. think today woke up really late. then dunno why keep on taking my time to do my things. it's like i have the whole day to do my stuff.. it's like i'm doing that on purpose to anger u.. or maybe it's because i dun really feel like going out today. whatsoever, i'm sorry.
went late to meet joy and keith. however still manage to play one bball match with them before keith gotta rush to work. after that we went joy's house to play twister and monopoly.. LOLs. spent money buying the stupid twister for my sis.. she said she wanted that long ago.. so yea.. i anyhow spend my money again. jus pray that i'm able to get back my pay. =x winner for twister is JOY. winner for monopoly is my little sister FAITH - she got the least property yet the richest and that is because she's the only one manage to upgrade most of her properties to hotel. ZZZZ..
my xiao mei is really ridiculous today.. she actually wanted to go downtown east jus to eat fondue. we're at bishan yet she keep on insisting to go downtown jus to eat the fondue. end up we quarrelled, cause she keep on asking me irritating me to go. =x
then follow by him asking me to help him do RJ.. ZzZz.. and i somehow felt more sadded when i heard him going west coast with his buddy again. hais. last time always ask him to bring me there even when i'm at his hse he never fails to reject me saying it's so far and etc. but whenever his buddy wanna go he never fails to fetch them there. somehow i felt it's so unfair.. hais.. somethings i jus dun get it. =(
@ 12:59 AM
started to miss her more day by day.. dreaming when will she be back...
recently had a mj section with keith, caleb and chris at my hse. and it had been a while since i win a thirteen wonders! =) but in the end i still didnt manage to win for the overall. sob sob.
went out with beloved today. get to watch "Mirrors".. but it wasn't as scary as i thought it would be.. overall still not that bad. storyline quite interesting.
today dad shares a lot of his oldtime story with me.. it was kinda hilarious. lol. as usual he always have many stories and things to say so yea. i didn't know my dad was such a attractive and gentleman guy.. haha.
p.s. really really miss her loads.