Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 11:17 PM
early morning had a tiff with my elder sis..
she was really unreasonable!
i happened to see her taking my younger sis new clothes wanting to wear it..
i then told her it was cw new clothes dun wear it..
she then replied saying cw would not mind if she give her money...
and i said that its definitely not about the money!
who would like ppl to wear their new clothes first?
money cant buy everything! she was saying money can solve everything.
i don't denied money is important... but somethings just can't be replaced by money alone.. zzz.
to me she still so immature..
i told her.. how do u expect ppl to respect u when u dun even respect others?
being unreasonable she said she dun care if we respect her a not cause in the first place we didn't treat her like our sister.. i was like wth?! i don't know where she got all those childish thoughts.
still living in her own world. at times i really pray that god take away her self obsession..
latter.. my whole day was to wait for him to come fetch Buddy home.. almost slept for the whole day. after i had my lunch with my dad i end up going back to slp..
slept till evening till he finally arrives!
guess my family going to miss Buddy loads loads. =x
he's still as da nan ren zhu yi as ever.. fearing that i will over power him.. dotzzz...
always didnt keep to his promise.. i really hate this part of him. jus small little things yet he always doesn't keep to it.. it really makes me demoralises.. at times my mind jus kept on echoing what he said.. "then go and look for someone who can do all those things that i can't".. hais.
i really wonder did i really make the wrong choice to be with u..
even loving you with my heart didn't melt u... and it jus makes me wonder what went wrong...
@ 12:40 AM
Pictures taken on the first day of CNY!My cute little niece.. Grace..

That's her real look. cute isn't it? =)

Taken before we 'lo hei'... =D

My two BIG size cousins, Malvin& Lousin (great bodyguard. hehs.), & Amanda.. HAHA.

Informal family pictures. ^^

Hilary, me, Maggie, Amanda & Amy.. :)

Three sisters.. hehs.

While on our way to CCK.. Seong Hoon, me and Faith.. =p

got kinda irritated that i have to go all the way to cck just to water plants. it's sounded so stupid yet it's a must to do.. arrgh.. i dun mind if its near but it's like so far from my hse.. so it's really inconvenient. anyway.. thank God my sis is willing to go with me.. kinda shared burden with me. =) if not i'll have so much more to do..
i guess he'll not understand what i experience. to him it's just a simple task. but he don't know the trouble that i have to go through.=x
sian sian sian...
anyway.. today went house visiting to brenda hse.. her hse is jus a few steps from my hse though. chatted with my cousins and get to know what happens to their life. everyone has really grown up.. =) we are all getting old!
Buddy is still as mischievious as ever.. matchmake him with Bambi.. at first it was going on fine.. till he kept on scaring Bambi too much that she got irritated from it. lol. their 'love' is so naive..
guess my family going to miss the days without him soon..
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 9:08 PM
finally Buddy is staying at my hse! haha. get the chance to slp beside him. hehs.. but too bad he's not staying for long. hope we would have a great time together and hope he get use to my hse.
nowadays don't really have the appetite to eat. =x just hope i get my appetite back. like what ppl says eating is a blessing. so yea.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 @ 10:33 PM
today i was late for school yet being able to leave early too.. lol..
meet up with mel and get to hear what happened to cx. =x i just don't know what to say and what should i do.. in my head is just God God and God. guess i'll jus leave it to God and hope that he will change everything for the better. worried.
everyone left.. i want to stay also seems kinda pointless so end up slacking in a empty room awaiting for him to finish his lesson and test as well..
it's been a long time since i do my quiet time! haha. and blogging kinda remind me to read and spend time with God once again. Thank God! =) this year round seems to have many prayers to make..
Got to pray for my sis for her studies. and also pray that she stop spending money like water as well for me. ha!
Got to pray for billy's brother for his studies too. =x
Got to pray for his dad regarding his career..
Got to pray for dad for his health and life. hope he's doing fine. misses.
currently that's the first few priority that i'll be praying for.. God bless them!
Now i will showcast the pictures that was taken during human resource lesson yesterday!
Now loading...
Class Picture 1!

Class Picture 2!

Mistake of Amos while trying to take class picture! LOL.

The girls with facilitator..

Here comes the loving guys with the facilitator. haha.

We girls were happily taking pictures...

till he came making everyone panic.. anyway the whole thing was kinda hilarious. lol!

The End!
Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 1:15 PM
somehow i felt kinda confuse.. probably feeling insecure.. it seems so unstable and scary..
it takes both sometime to get together, however it can takes less than a day to end it.
it takes one hard to accept the sudden breakage of it.. after a long term of nurturing it.. it can just be gone the next moment.
I don't know if I should continue to put my heart to it or just let it go once again.
either options, i'm just confuse.
the thing i don't get it is that.. i thought i have let you go.. but somehow it's still there haunting me... and i don't even know what went wrong? maybe i just haven't left it as my past.. it has too moved on with me as I grow without me noticing.. =x
funny thing that happened today: got to witness how David grabbed the cheesy topping of pizza with another pizza on his hand.. it was really gross cause he was constantly trying hard to squeeze up that pizza topping.. last but not least he actually eat like hungry ghost constantly pushing the big piece of pizza into his mouth. LOL!
God please guide me!!! x)
Pictures taken yesterday in Church... ^^
Chris was acting like??? shanghai tan...

Chris, Caleb, Me, Faith.. white, black, white, black notes... hehs.

This pic looks so funny with Caleb making that eye gouging expression. lol

i love this pic that i took with Joy! =)

Group pic! Caleb, Chris, Joy!, Faith & Me... =D