Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 11:09 PM
This rabbit is special and unique in it's own way.. that's what i like abt it. =)
it's jus so simply adorable.. can i have it for christmas? lol.

so so so bored and tired...
weekends never seems enough for me to rest. how i wish we can rest three days work four days...
wonder if this job really suits me.. probably it just because i don't like how the company is being structured and managed. especially dislike one guy in the company.. just somehow he doesn't earn my respect for him. ....
anyway just got my iphone not long ago! haha.. finally got a new phone. =)
somehow don't know if my choice of getting this phone is good or bad... it always end up being on other's hands and whenever i wanna get it back i will just get the stare from that particular person saying i'm selfish.. zzz. it's my phone yet sometimes i feel it doesn't belongs to me because of that particular person.. sometimes i wonder what's wrong with me trying to be protective of my phone at times when i see them being so rough using my phone? it's my newly bought phone of course i wouldn't want others to damage it.. hais. guess he wouldn't understand. he's always living in his own world.
i just wish for you to be there for me...